A Cute Digression!!!
A tag that has been doing the rounds is that of listing down the things that define a particular alphabet for a person. Dharmabum gave me the letter "A" to play with! I finally got cracking on my list. Here goes!
Scene: The end of a long, weary road!
The evening of Saturday last, A and I directed our steps to our favourite coffee cafe yet again! Upon entering the by now familiar premises, I asked for the branch manager who had invited us over. The person in charge of the outlet explained that the manager was out on some business, and then proceeded to speak to him over the phone. After he'd had a brief exchange over the phone with the manager, we were shown to two seats. We were also informed that the manager would soon be with us, and that we were to order in the meantime. Of course, it is imperative to mention here that almost all sentences uttered by all the employees with whom we interacted, had a liberal dosing of "pleases" and "thank yous" and smiles! Never before have I witnessed such a reception; almost bordering on saccharine sweetness! Nevertheless, there were also numerous hushed whisperings among the employees, as also the casting of sidelong glances in our direction!
On a house hunting spree,
Pic Courtesy: Google
Your Aura is Blue |
![]() You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone. Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor. |
An Aerial View
A; in All His Robed Glory!
The next two days were spent in my parents' house, where I did nothing other than eat and sleep the whole time we were there! Not that that seems to have helped my drowsiness this morning, either! I'm haunting my laptop with my droopy eyes that threaten to close shut at any moment! This is why it's not a good idea to return from a trip only the very morning you have to show up at work!
P.S. I hope I've amply explained the reason behind the mundaneness and brevity of this post!
Psychic quality? Intuition? Sixth sense? Almost synonymous words; words that are very intriguing and interesting too! I’ve always wondered at the true nature of the meanings of these words. Although a lot of myth has been attached to their interpretations, what lies at the bottom is the unswerving truth that they are, by no means, qualities/traits/features/makings of an individual’s mind that can be easily waved away with a shrug or slight motion.
About a week back, I completed work on my thesis. Once it is accepted by the university, I will be officially rewarded with an M.Phil degree! It feels really great to have completed the thesis at long last! It deals with the treatment of women in an American dramatist's (Tennessee Williams) plays. I really enjoyed working on it, and also want to extend a sincere thanks to all (you know who you are!), who, by way of their inputs, helped script a certain chapter in the said thesis!
Pic Courtesy: Google
Saturday saw me and A embroiled in an involuntary adventure of sorts! While setting out to visit my aunt, little did either of us think that we’d be almost compelled to count, what felt like, the last few precious moments of our lives!
My oft middle name,
A lot, by my standards! From surviving on measly meals (especially, dinners) of readymade fat-filled noodles and loaves of bread day in and day out (night in and night out?!?), I’ve graduated to making things that actually qualify as full-fledged meals! Of course, it helps that I no longer live alone or have to cook only for myself! Having A around, constantly harping on how what I make is so delicious and out of the world, really peps me up, and makes me want to make more and more new things! I’ve been trying my hand at making a lot of things; mostly mundane stuff like idlis, doshas, daal, and the like (nothing exotic yet), but I’m all raring to embark on a cooking spree now! I intend whipping up some yummy new stuff this weekend too! I must say it’s a far cry from my usual self! When it comes to cooking, I’ve always been one of the most apprehensive people around, but not anymore! Things I’m trying my hand at for the first time, also seem to come out pretty well, and that has given a tremendous boost to my confidence in my cooking skills! Unfortunately, I was so delighted at having managed to actually cook pretty decently that I forgot to take pictures of my masterpieces! I intend subjecting the weekend fares I make, to some photography too! Hopefully, they’ll look and taste good enough to be written about and presented on this space!
>What animal would best suit your personality? A DOG. You are one of the best friends that someone could ever ask for. A very loyal, compassionate person who is always there for close friends and family members who are in a tough time. You are someone who can be counted on time and time again and never let small grudges get in the way of a good friendship. But unfortunately, you are very dependant, and every now and then someone will take advantage of your loyalty, and it is most often not until you end up hurt that you realised your foolishness. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. |
The weekend that just sped by saw A and me embark on a shopping spree! Having had quite a number of things to buy, it didn't take too long to lighten A's wallet by a considerable amount! Moreover, walking in the heat rendered sore our tired and aching feet. Driven by the sole aim of quenching our parched throats with some delectable fluids, we entered one of the million Cafe Coffee Days that dot this city! As is usual, the place was teeming with a considerable number of people. We quickly settled into two cane chairs, feeling blissful at finally being able to rest our posteriors! Quickly skimming through their fashionable Windows Vista promotion menu card, A and I soon decided what we'd like to have. I settled for an Iced Caramel, while A chose a Strawberry Smoothie. When I proclaimed what I'd like to have, the guy taking our orders nodded wisely and said "Caramel Temptation". We figured that was another name for the drink that I'd ordered. Having placed our orders, we got down to general bantering. In a short while, our drinks arrived. Mine looked like a lovely snow-capped mountain peak, with a generous swirl of ice cream and cream forming the topmost layer on a pleasing, twirling concoction of brown chocolate and beige caramel filled milky liquid! A's was a similar creamy hilltop, albeit in pink. A good way into my drink, a realization suddenly hit me. I looked at the huge menu board they had on one their walls, at the bill (which, as is wont in Coffee Day outlets, was brought even before the orders had been!), and then at the surreptitious looking menu card, using which I'd made my choice! Iced Caramel in the menu card read Rs. 47/-, on the massive board, Caramel Temptation was priced at Rs. 62/-, while in the bill itself, Iced Caramel Temptation was at a whopping 93 Rupees! Flustered, I brought this to A's attention, who, in turn, became perplexed at the anomaly!
Meet Dumpy, the newest addition to my brood! Thanks a ton, A!
A sleepless night,