Two days before A's return, this is what I was doing! Sketching after so long really felt good, and it made a good gift too!
Two days before A's return, this is what I was doing! Sketching after so long really felt good, and it made a good gift too!
I've been tagged by Lemon Blossom to list down 6 weird things about me, or even weird experiences that I've had. I gave it quite a bit of thought, and holy cow, I realized that it wasn't all that difficult to come up with the list! Man, am I weird or what!?!
For you, Jiju:
There was once a man who went by the name of Henri Charrièr. He was popularly known as Papillon. A member of the Paris underworld, he led a life of danger and constant intrigue. Numerous comparatively petty crimes did he commit and get away with. However, one fine day, he was dealt a hard blow by way of being framed for a murder that he had had no part to play in. As is the way with unfortunate circumstances, once they begin, there never seems to be any end to them. His being framed for the murder soon led to his trial, followed by his being convicted and sentenced for life! Nevertheless, Papillon was a man of no ordinary mettle. After a brief stint of imprisonment at the place of his trial, he was soon transferred to a penal colony. One can even say that that colony was where Papillon’s real story began to take shape, the place where he came into his own in a manner par extraordinaire or excellence! From there, began a journey like no other, a journey so incredible that it’s difficult to fathom that the story recounted is fact, and not mere fiction.
You may be really punctual,
I actually wanted to post on an altogether different topic today, but I'm too high strung to do so! It'll have to wait for tomorrow!
It feels surreal,
Found a link to this quiz over at SML's blog. I am destined to be in Hufflepuff; which house do you think you'll fit in? I'd have preferred one of the two houses mentioned in the title, though! No, I'm not moving over to the dark side!
Pic Courtesy: Google
Think before you leap! It's easy to be wise after the event! These are not phrases alien to me! I do completely understand what they mean! Why then do I inevitably think only a fraction of a second after I've done the deed?!? Or, in the particular case I'm talking about, a couple of hours later! What is the deed I wanted to undo, you ask?!? Well, let's just say that a few days back, I sent a mail with a line I hadn't meant to have included in it! :-/ I did have a partner in crime in this instance, but that didn't help quell either of our uneasiness or anxieties! Not to say that that was the first time I'd done something like that! Sending text messages to the wrong person, getting confused and replying to the wrong messenger window in haste, sending mails (yeah, I've done it more than once!) to the wrong person; been there all, and worse still, done that all!!! I'm usually quite meticulously careful, but my scatterbrain self sometimes plays its much loved trick, and makes me blush with embarrassment, right down to the very roots of my ramrod straight strands of hair!
Okay, so the bandh and the ensuing holiday today served one useful purpose at least! I finally set upon setting straight my completely messed up closet, it having dawned on me a few days back that it needed some straightening up! Of course, having my parents down for a few days, and their constant harping (like only parents can do!) on how it needed to be set right, did help the cause a good deal! As a result, my clothes don't thankfully tumble out the minute I open the cupboard, any longer! I feel like my good deed for the day has been accomplished (in this case, the good coming out of it affecting only me for the most part!)!!!
Okay, writing haikus seems to have taken a hold of me! Hopefully, this will be the last one for some time!
Pic Courtesy: Google
What a welcome change! After so many consecutive outbursts of violence and destructive behaviour in the city, it's nice to see that the recent tribunal verdict on the Cauvery issue hasn't triggered as much backlash as was expected. Sure, there have been reports of sporadic acts of disruption, mainly on the day the verdict was made known, but compared to the quite consistent rounds of violence that the city has been reeling under, these acts were largely dispersed and easily dealt with. The precautions that were taken beforehand by the police force in the city seem to have been a useful insight. Even the bandh that was supposed to have been held tomorrow, the 8th of February, 2007, has been postponed to accommodate an intervening airshow! Monday, the 12th of February, 2007, is what it has been shifted to. Maybe, by then the anger over the verdict would have simmered down considerably for the bandh to be called off altogether! Not that the working girl in me is exactly rooting for the same!
Okay, Miss Iyer has tagged me. I have to list ten things that define me, and considering that I don’t feel like writing about the continuing tense situation in Bangalore today, I thought I might as well do a little self introspection!
Companion mine,
P.S. Yeah, it broke! :-(
Another P.S. Yes, it's my first attempt at writing a haiku.
I got this as an e-mail forward. I've seen something similar to this earlier, but this one really takes the cake!
A few days back, I decided to name my camera. I didn't want to keep referring to it with words like "camera", "cam", or any other such mundane word. In the beginning, A was quite amused that I wanted to give a name to my camera, akin to my doll and stuffed toys, but in a little while, he came around! :-) We came up with a number of silly names, ranging from flashy and messycam (I'm called messy by a number of friends), but nothing sounded quite right. Okay okay, I admit that most of these names were my brainchildren! <sheepish grin!>