Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oops! Will I Do It Again?!?

Think before you leap! It's easy to be wise after the event! These are not phrases alien to me! I do completely understand what they mean! Why then do I inevitably think only a fraction of a second after I've done the deed?!? Or, in the particular case I'm talking about, a couple of hours later! What is the deed I wanted to undo, you ask?!? Well, let's just say that a few days back, I sent a mail with a line I hadn't meant to have included in it! :-/ I did have a partner in crime in this instance, but that didn't help quell either of our uneasiness or anxieties! Not to say that that was the first time I'd done something like that! Sending text messages to the wrong person, getting confused and replying to the wrong messenger window in haste, sending mails (yeah, I've done it more than once!) to the wrong person; been there all, and worse still, done that all!!! I'm usually quite meticulously careful, but my scatterbrain self sometimes plays its much loved trick, and makes me blush with embarrassment, right down to the very roots of my ramrod straight strands of hair!

Often enough, nothing too bad has resulted from such mix-ups, but the moments after I do such things are painful nonetheless! In those moments, I feel only those emotions that begin with a t or a d, or an a or an f; trepidation, dread, apprehension, fear, tremor, distress, anxiety, fury (at my stupidity); you get the picture! Basically, the entire gamut of tremulous emotions that begin with any of these four alphabets! If I remember correctly, it's only once that I've really had to explain myself, while striving not to allow my embarrassment and the consequent reddening of my cheeks and all other visible parts of my body and face, display my discomfiture and bashfulness, enough to make me more of a dodo than I already was! No, dodos aren't extinct; there's a small one still alive somewhere in the confines of my oft pea-sized brain!

Most times, of course, the mix-ups have been relatively harmless, inviting, at the most, a noncommittal shrug of the shoulders, both mine and the receiver's! :-) Out of the some that have led me to almost sleepless nights, I was rewarded with being made the butt of many a joke for many a day for one of the earliest ones, a cheeky reply for another very stupid one, and absolutely nothing (barring a restless weekend) for a very recent one! Uh-oh! I hope I didn't speak too soon! The last one hasn't been too long gone to have been forgotten or buried somewhere deep inside the recesses of the minds of everyone concerned! Why else would I take so long to get it out of my system so!?! I've been toying with writing about this topic for quite a while now! (Not long enough for the deep burial thing to happen, though!)

Anyway, the crux of the matter is that I need to stop writing things to people they're not meant for, or sending things to people they're not meant to reach! I'm sure at least some of you have had yourselves succumb to such moments of temporary and partial brain numbness (if I may call it that!), but belonging to a clan or generalizing, doesn't make it even a wee bit better! Considering that I haven't been brave enough to recount the actual incidents, I don't expect I'll get to hear anybody else's either, but it sure feels good to have this out of my system!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we all do that...but u get a wee bit more tense than everyone else!!


10:24 AM  
Blogger supernova said...

Yeah, I get too tense for my own good!

10:25 AM  
Blogger ಸಿಂಧು sindhu said...

did u write this to get it out of your system ? ;) or to get reassured by many other scatterbrains.. i liked that line so much that i am juz next to you if you visualize the sentence.... :)

How dare you asking me to read this and go through the embarrassment again.. :D

Shall i scare you a bit..? Who knows the recipient of that mail may be keeping it to show you at the difficult times and gain over you.. :D

But dear... you have done an ikebana of the moments you went through... i almost felt the embarrassment again for my sheepish partnership in the crime, which worsened your situation.. and our futile efforts to recall it.. :) i know now why you were so anxious to do bungee jumping..

no, you will not do it again.. and definitely not with me.. ;D

10:35 AM  
Blogger supernova said...

Hahaha! I certainly hope we don't do any such thing ever again!

About you reading the post and going through the embarrassment again, you really didn't think I'd want to relive the moment all alone, did you?!?

Oh oh! Hopefully, the recipient is not going to use it as a trump card! Anyway, I've passed the "feeling scared" stage; but now that you've brought it up, have I really!?! ;-)

10:45 AM  
Blogger Brecht said...

dear supernova, i've been in similar shoes a few times, and the blood rush, panic attacks is all too much to take as i get older (& wiser hopefully)!But i know how you feel = ) Good article! Honest and addresses everyone's else's fears too = )

12:19 PM  
Blogger supernova said...

Thanks, mush! I must admit it does feel good to know that these shoes change quite a few hands (or, should I say, "feet"!?!)!!!

12:26 PM  
Blogger Big B said...

I haven't received the mail yet. Can you send it to my gmail ID?

2:54 PM  
Blogger supernova said...

Very funny, big b!!! :-)

3:58 AM  

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