I'd been tagged by Lemon Blossom quite some time back to "...quickly write 8 random facts/habits about myself, and then tag 8 people...".
1. I read a lot lot lot. If I'm reading something, be it a book, a magazine, or even a toothpaste cover (yes, I read just about anything!), I have to read every single word, no matter how trivial or unimportant. It's one of my many compulsive disorders, methinks!
2. I close every tap a number of times before I'm sure it's indeed screwed on tightly; the same goes for doors and windows that need locking! Compulsive disorder No. 2!
3. I have also opened closed doors (once a refrigerator door, the other time a cupboard) with just a hairpin, when the keys had been misplaced.
4. When I was a kid, I used to sleep on a camping cot. My favourite before nap time activity was sliding down the yet unraised side of the cot!
5. I wear very minimal jewellery. The bangle I sport on my right wrist is a metal one that I picked up outside a temple, when I was around 12-13 years old. It cost Re. 1! It is still my favourite piece of jewellery!
6. I am as impatient as they come. Period.
7. I have quite a few scars on myself now and I'm proud of each one of them!
8. I hate sleeping, except, of course, at night. Then too, because it's the done thing! :-)
In turn, I tag Aditi, Big B, Deepthi, Dharmabum, Idah, los uno, Miss Iyer and Mush. I guess some of you may have already done this tag, but please humour me! I'm sure there are lots more random facts about you we just don't know! :-)