What's in a Title?!?
The little clock had been ticking from ever since it could remember! Round and round went its big, medium and tiny hands, round and round and round and round. Fast, when the entity it controlled was busy and happy; painfully slow, when the very same mind was melancholic and bored. Try as it did, the routine did not break. It was waiting for that moment when time would stand still for the mind it controlled. No, not literally; figuratively. One morning, the hands weren't ticking. The little clock was relieved in a way. Maybe the all encompassing standstill had finally arrived, it thought! No, the mind decided. It was just the battery that'd died out. A new one replaced the deceased and the hands began their circular journey all over again. Surprised, the little clock wondered whether it was the master or the slave; did the mind actually control it just a few moments back?!? Symbiotic; that was what the relationship was! For now, the little clock and the mind, both had to wait for that all encompassing, standstill moment. Not too many days for that. Just a little forbearance, with a smattering of patience...