Thursday, April 05, 2007

Silent Talk...

I’m often referred to as a loudspeaker or some other unusually loud device! Well, it’s not surprising considering that whispering or even talking softly, is quite alien to me! Anyone who knows me well enough will vouch how true this facet of my personality is!
However, sometimes I feel like my voice is the most vulnerable part of me. I often find it playing hide and seek with me. As throughout my growing up years, even now, any slight or major onslaught of a bout of cold and sore throat often first befriends my larynx, encouraging it to play truant, and quite happily at that!!! Sometimes, stress and excessive crying and distress do it to me too. I go crazy when saddled with a voiceless throat, but it always sets me thinking too. I mean, it’s horrible enough losing your voice for a day, but think about those who cannot speak at all! Some people may have never even heard the sound of their own voices! Imagine going through each day, soundless as they come, with extraordinary resilience and stoicism (at least, in many cases)! Do they eventually get accustomed to their speechless world, resorting to the uses of their other senses and limbs to talk? Or, do they live in a well of constant despair?

I know I despair over the tiniest of losses. Theirs, in many cases, is a loss of a lifetime!


Blogger Aditi said...

ohh i completely identify .. i can be quite loud and hyper at times.. hmm so that is a lotta food for thought there..

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i get quite scared when you lose your voice!!! there is a rush of relief when i hear your normal voice again!!!


3:48 AM  
Blogger supernova said...

aditi: :-)

4:47 AM  
Blogger supernova said...

I know, A!

4:48 AM  
Blogger Brecht said...

Nora is very loud & hyper too, thus when she is a few away from home starting next month, i would probably go crazy from missing her! argh! But i do hope you get better SuperN so u can whisper lovely sweet nothings to your A = ) I have also learnt that when God handicapes one of your abilities, He always replaces it with another, you just have to look hard enough for it = ) Hugs from Nora and I.

8:58 AM  
Blogger supernova said...

Mush, I can imagine how you'll feel with Nora away at school for a few hours every day! Although, imagine the fun you guys will have when she returns home every evening! :-)

"I have also learnt that when God handicapes one of your abilities, He always replaces it with another, you just have to look hard enough for it" Beautiful!!!

9:58 AM  
Blogger Miss Iyer said...

Oh! So tomorrow when I see you, you cant go your usual walwawallawallaa?? :|

And about the physically challenged? I personally think that they are the ones that value their other abilities much better that we do, and use it in a better fashion too! :) IMHO, we ought to learn a lot from them!

7:03 PM  
Blogger AVIANA said...

not sure if mutes are living in despair...but if they could hear their own voices, i think they would be ver happy....i lost my voice and loved it!!! i've actually tried to lose my voice but i have strong vocals from singing so it would take alot for me to lose it...i know i'm weird. :)

7:40 PM  
Blogger supernova said...

No, miss iyer, like you saw, I did talk nineteen to the dozen when we met! I was just talking about similar voiceless situations that I often find myself in! :-)

5:04 AM  
Blogger supernova said...

I'm intrigued though, Lisa! Why exactly do you want to lose your voice? Also, do you want to lose it temporarily or permanently? :-/

5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know for a fact, if i lose my voice for 1 day, someone 18,000km away will be very very sad! hahahah, but, seriously, i don mind losing my voice for 1 day, another reason to ignore morons at work! :D hope you feel better, take some honey!

7:40 AM  
Blogger supernova said...

You always crack me up, idah! :-)

8:33 AM  
Blogger david santos said...

Thanks for you work and have a good week.

2:50 PM  
Blogger supernova said...

Thanks, david! You have a good week too! :-)

4:57 AM  

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